Sunday, January 19, 2014

Blog #1

The world contains an abundance of issues. Some we cannot solve, but of those that we can, it is time to do something about them. The most grave issue that interested me I heard was water usage around the world. Developing countries are struggling to provide clean water to their citizens. They simply do  not have the means to get fresh water. It is important to resolve this issue. Families are dying from lack of fresh water and often have to walk long distances to get water. There are many organizations that work to combat this issue through building wells. We could work to raise money and fund one of these wells. It would really  make a huge difference in the lives of people.
The second issue I like, also tied to the environment, is urbanization. Urbanization is the process of cities expanding outwards and encroaching upon agricultural land. The problem here is that the land they are using for developments is prime farmland. This takes away from potential food we could be producing. In Illinois alone, we have lost 3.7 million acres since 1950 to urbanization. As an agriculturally driven state, this is a direct threat. Furthermore, the population is expected to skyrocket. It is predicted to reach 9.6 million people in 2050. We will be unable to feed these people if we don’t stop developing agricultural land. Instead, we should encourage knocking down abandoned buildings and using that land. We, as mere 18 year olds, cannot do much to resolve this issue, but we can make our voice heard and education others about this grave issue.
The third issue that struck me as important was about our grading scale. The grading scale in education was originally meant to rank student’s knowledge with a simple letter. However, it has grown to be a monster. Some students will do anything to get an A, no matter what the cost. Oftentimes this involves cheating. Other students simply make a goal to “pass,” and do not want to actually learn. The grading scale has demoted students to the point of making them just want to get a good grade instead of striving to learn. Our education system has so much to offer, but students fail to realize that. I see passionate teachers everywhere, but without mutually passionate students it means nothing.
At the root of this problem is our ineffective grading scale, standardized tests, and common core standards. All of these problems are meant to enhance learning but in effect, it sets everyone up for failure. Teachers cannot teach what they want because they have to teach to common core and standardized tests to get a good evaluation. It is just as bad as the grading scale is for kids. We need to abolish all of these benchmark standards and opt for free learning that engages students and actually helps them learn. It may help to speak to the school board, but the American public needs to know the true value of its education system.
Overall, every issue discussed is important. However, as a young student, I can only make so much of a difference. The place I think I would do the best at helping is to get water to third world countries. It will be easiest to raise money to send instead of trying to push people somewhere they don't want to go. I know this is the only situation where I know I will make a positive impact.

Monday, November 4, 2013

Persuasive Essay Topics

As many know, agriculture is a topic I am very interested in. As a future career choice, it is in my best interest to learn as much as I can about it. That is why I would like to choose a topic centered around it. One idea I have is to write about the debate between non-GMO and GMO crops. I could also narrow this down to if we should include this information on labeling. I would take the position that labeling is unnecessary because GM crops are harmless.
                Another potential topic is the debate between organic and non-organic foods. I take the stand that pesticides are necessary to feed our rapidly growing world. Many farmers use a practice called Integrated Pest Management (IPM), which means they only use sprays when needed.

                Another topic, which I recently encountered, is the ethics of rodeos. I think that rodeos are extremely cruel to animals and humans. It is a violent and by far most dangerous sport.  

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Informative Essay Brainstorm

I am considering writing about what I know best-agriculture. I would like to focus on a topic that I know a lot about. I am considering writing about plant breeding. This subject greatly appeals to me because I am considering a career in plant breeding. My essay will focus on the history of plant breeding, the importance of plant breeding, and the future of where it will take our world.
Another topic I am considering is apples. I know this sounds kind of odd, but hear me out. Apples have a unique history and genetic make-up. It is extremely interesting to learn about. More than 17,000 varieties of apples exist in the world because of the almost unlimited amount of genetic combinations. The story of how apples came to America is also fascinating. I don’t know what my third topic about apples will be, but I’m sure something exists.
Classmates, Mr. Lister, and other blog frequenters, feel free to help me to decide what topic I should write about by commenting. It needs to pass the “so what” test, so your opinion is valued. I am genuinely torn between these two subjects. Plant breeding is a very broad topic, so finding research will not be difficult. However, writing about apples excites me (I’m a farming nerd, I suppose). I feel like I could make it very interesting, yet finding materials to include might be tough. Please aid me in my decision! Thanks!

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

How to Prepare Tacos!

Tacos are always a great choice for a meal. They are fairly cheap, simple, and best of all, taste delicious! This tutorial will ignite you inner Tex-Mex heritage.

First, you must gather ingredients for your tacos. You will need ground meat (pork or beef), taco shells (soft or hard), seasoning, and toppings. Toppings will be varied depending on what you like. Common toppings for tacos include lettuce, cheddar cheese, sour cream, tomatoes, and salsa.

After you have gathered these ingredients, you must cook the meat. The traditional way is to brown it in a sauce pan. This will involve dumping the meat into the pan. Before turning on the burner, mash it up with a fork. After it is mashed, turn the burner to medium-low heat. Continuously mash the meat keeping it in small chunks. The meat is done when it turns completely brown. To avoid sicknesses, make sure the meat is completely cooked. Next, add the seasoning packet (or make your own with an online recipe). This usually involves putting in a half cup of water with it. Then, bring out the shells. Chop up the necessary toppings such as lettuce and tomatoes. Put the other toppings in bowls for people to add what they prefer. To prepare the actual taco, lay the shell flat and dump a couple tablespoons of cheese on it. Then, add a couple spoonfuls of meat on top. You may add the toppings yourself or let guest do this.

The final-and most important- step is to enjoy your tacos! Indulge in the perfect mix of spices and toppings. When unsure about what to make, use my motto- when in doubt, put the tacos out! J


Thursday, August 22, 2013

Personal Narrative Pre-writing

     The first event I would like to write about that changed my life is when I met my significant other, Bobby. The moment I met him I knew I would never be the same without him in my life. The story of how we met is...well, life-changing. The second event I am considering writing about is my involvement in FFA. Agriculture is a big part of my life and will always stay with me.
      I am leaning toward my first event because it is the one I am most emotional about and I remember every moment of it. I feel writing about FFA would be too choppy, as there are so many small events that have helped change me. It was never so sudden as it was with my moment with Bobby.
     Overall, I have very few concerns about this narrative. I am, however, looking forward to it! I love semi-creative writing and I am extremely excited about my topics. It is something that truly inspires me, making it very easy to write about.

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

My Summer Adventure

               As summer began, I was dreading my family vacation that was to take place over the 4th of July. I was more interested in watching fireworks with my boyfriend than hiking up mountains in Colorado. I am not what one would call “athletic.” The last time I went to Colorado it ended with me on top of a mountain above the tree-line practically dying. This summer was not going to be enjoyed.
                The 3rd of July rolled around and dread filled me. Finally, 2 hours after we planned to leave and lots of screaming family members later, we were on the road headed west. I slept through the ride until we hit Nebraska. As the endless flat land flew by out the window, I began to feel a little queasy. I tried to sleep it off, but it just wasn’t going away. I kept my mouth shut about feeling carsick. Finally, we pulled into a gas station. We hadn’t even pulled into a pump when I suddenly felt my stomach lurch. “Stop the car!” I yelled frantically. So my dad slammed on the brakes and I bolted from the truck. I ran for the nearest garbage can but they were all covered. I turned to the ground and knelt down. I tried to control my stomach, but with no avail. My family vacation had gone from bad to worse and it was only the first day.
                Several hours later we approached the base of the Rocky Mountains. They were absolutely breathtaking. The lumbering mountains sprawled into the sky as if they were competing to be the tallest. The white snowcaps glistened in the sun as fluffy white clouds floated aimlessly about them. I started to think that maybe vacation wouldn’t be so bad. Our truck climbed up the mountain at a steady pace, hugging the curves of the valleys. Huge boulders jutted out from the sides of the mountains. Finally, we had a break in the hairpin curves and came out in Estes Park where we had rented a house. Delicate shops lined the streets with quaint items displayed in the windows. Pedestrians meandered in and out of the shops. The brisk air floated through the truck’s windows refreshing me. We drove up the side of a mountain to our house. It was a green, pretty average house, but the view was incredible.
The rest of vacation was fairly smooth. I was sore after climbing several mountains, but the view was always worth the climb. I find myself always dreading the journey up my mountains in life, but when I get to the top everything is all worth it.

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Blog #1-My Personal Writing Abilities


      I feel fairly confident in my writing skills. I would, however, like to improve on a few aspects. In the past I have approached essays and papers with a less than joyful attitude. Within recent years, I have found it less of a burden because I have learned how to be a better writer. One thing I am absolutely terrible at is pre-writing procedures. I have a hard time planning out my essays. It greatly affects how my ideas are organized within my writing. I oftentimes find random ideas scattered about my paper, thus reducing the effectiveness of it. I also have trouble grammatically knowing the difference between "effect" and "affect," "its" and "it's," and many others even though it has been drilled into my head many times.
      I am excited about English 101! Mainly this is because I am saving $270, and let me tell you, it feels great. :) I am, however, frightened about the prospect of being overloaded with papers to write because I am taking a lot of other hard classes this year. I recently took my first real college class this summer on ag education and leadership. It was hard for me to balance even with just one class, so I'm hoping the prior experience will help me through this. Some things I am hoping to learn is how to meet word count requirements without droning on and on about the same things just to make my essay longer. I also have a problem with redundant wordings, such as saying "prior experience," like I did in the previous sentence. I'm going into this class with a positive attitude and I hope I come out more knowledgeable and it was worth the $417 bill I got in the mail yesterday just because I have to take psychology with this! :)